The sprites used in this post come from existing games and are used here only for learning purpose.
Build the structure
Let’s start with a new 2D project in Unity 5. Create a new Game Object called Board for holding the whole dungeon. On this game object create a new Script component called BoardManager. We’ll code the dungeon generation logic into it.
I recommend you refer to the stackexchange answer above for the illustrations of the following steps.
The idea of the algorithm is to start with a rectangular cell representing the whole dungeon. Then we’ll split this dungeon in two sub-dungeons, with a randomly chosen splitting position. The process will be repeated again for each sub-dungeons recursively, until the sub-dungeons are approximately the desired size of a room.
publicclassBoardManager:MonoBehaviour{publicintboardRows,boardColumns;publicintminRoomSize,maxRoomSize;publicclassSubDungeon{publicSubDungeonleft,right;publicRectrect;publicRectroom=newRect(-1,-1,0,0);// i.e nullpublicintdebugId;privatestaticintdebugCounter=0;publicSubDungeon(Rectmrect){rect=mrect;debugId=debugCounter;debugCounter++;}publicboolIAmLeaf(){returnleft==null&&right==null;}publicboolSplit(intminRoomSize,intmaxRoomSize){if(!IAmLeaf()){returnfalse;}// choose a vertical or horizontal split depending on the proportions// i.e. if too wide split vertically, or too long horizontally,// or if nearly square choose vertical or horizontal at randomboolsplitH;if(rect.width/rect.height>=1.25){splitH=false;}elseif(rect.height/rect.width>=1.25){splitH=true;}else{splitH=Random.Range(0.0f,1.0f)>0.5;}if(Mathf.Min(rect.height,rect.width)/2<minRoomSize){Debug.Log("Sub-dungeon "+debugId+" will be a leaf");returnfalse;}if(splitH){// split so that the resulting sub-dungeons widths are not too small// (since we are splitting horizontally)intsplit=Random.Range(minRoomSize,(int)(rect.width-minRoomSize));left=newSubDungeon(newRect(rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,split));right=newSubDungeon(newRect(rect.x,rect.y+split,rect.width,rect.height-split));}else{intsplit=Random.Range(minRoomSize,(int)(rect.height-minRoomSize));left=newSubDungeon(newRect(rect.x,rect.y,split,rect.height));right=newSubDungeon(newRect(rect.x+split,rect.y,rect.width-split,rect.height));}returntrue;}}publicvoidCreateBSP(SubDungeonsubDungeon){Debug.Log("Splitting sub-dungeon "+subDungeon.debugId+": "+subDungeon.rect);if(subDungeon.IAmLeaf()){// if the sub-dungeon is too largeif(subDungeon.rect.width>maxRoomSize||subDungeon.rect.height>maxRoomSize||Random.Range(0.0f,1.0f)>0.25){if(subDungeon.Split(minRoomSize,maxRoomSize)){Debug.Log("Splitted sub-dungeon "+subDungeon.debugId+" in "+subDungeon.left.debugId+": "+subDungeon.left.rect+", "+subDungeon.right.debugId+": "+subDungeon.right.rect);CreateBSP(subDungeon.left);CreateBSP(subDungeon.right);}}}}voidStart(){SubDungeonrootSubDungeon=newSubDungeon(newRect(0,0,boardRows,boardColumns));CreateBSP(rootSubDungeon);}}
Then set the public variables for board and rooms size in the Unity editor.
When launching the game you should have something like this in the console :
Create the rooms
We now have a tree structure with the leaves corresponding to the smallest sub-dungeons. In each of these leaves we’ll now create a room with a random size.
Add the following variable and method to the SubDungeon class :
publicclassSubDungeon{//...publicRectroom=newRect(-1,-1,0,0);// i.e null//...publicvoidCreateRoom(){if(left!=null){left.CreateRoom();}if(right!=null){right.CreateRoom();}if(IAmLeaf()){introomWidth=(int)Random.Range(rect.width/2,rect.width-2);introomHeight=(int)Random.Range(rect.height/2,rect.height-2);introomX=(int)Random.Range(1,rect.width-roomWidth-1);introomY=(int)Random.Range(1,rect.height-roomHeight-1);// room position will be absolute in the board, not relative to the sub-dungeonroom=newRect(rect.x+roomX,rect.y+roomY,roomWidth,roomHeight);Debug.Log("Created room "+room+" in sub-dungeon "+debugId+" "+rect);}}//...
Instead of relying on console output, it would be more intuitive to start having a visual representation. First thing is to add a sprite for the floor of the rooms. You can use this one and add it as an asset in your project.
Also be careful to set the Pixels Per Unit to exactly the size of the sprite (16 for this sprite), so that the sprite will cover exactly a square in the board.
Next create a Prefab with this sprite (drag and drop it on the scene screen, then drag and drop back the object in the assets):
In the script we’ll need to add a public GameObject variable to hold this prefab:
Then in the editor drag and drop the prefab to set it.
Drawing the rooms 2/2: write the code
Back in the script we add a method to draw the rooms. Also as we draw the rooms, we’ll register the drawed squares in a variable representing the board called boardPositionsFloor. This variable is not really useful at first but will be essential when starting to construct a game above.
You should get something like this in the scene view :
Now that we have a visual feedback, it’s also easier to play with the parameters :
Connect the rooms: create corridors between rooms
Isolated rooms are not very useful, so we’ll add corridors between them. To do so, we’ll connect each leaf to its sibling. Then going up one level in the tree, we’ll repeat the process to connect parents sub-dungeons, until finally we connect the two initial sub-dungeons (see the stackexchange answer for illustrations).
Add using System.Collections.Generic; at the beginning of the script, then in the SubDungeon class add:
We’ll also need a method to get the room of a sub-dungeon. If the sub-dungeon is not a leaf (i.e. doesn’t contain a room), the method will return the room of a child.
publicclassSubDungeon{//...publicRectGetRoom(){if(IAmLeaf()){returnroom;}if(left!=null){Rectlroom=left.GetRoom();if(lroom.x!=-1){returnlroom;}}if(right!=null){Rectrroom=right.GetRoom();if(rroom.x!=-1){returnrroom;}}// workaround non nullable structsreturnnewRect(-1,-1,0,0);}
And now the method to create the corridor between rooms:
publicvoidCreateCorridorBetween(SubDungeonleft,SubDungeonright){Rectlroom=left.GetRoom();Rectrroom=right.GetRoom();Debug.Log("Creating corridor(s) between "+left.debugId+"("+lroom+") and "+right.debugId+" ("+rroom+")");// attach the corridor to a random point in each roomVector2lpoint=newVector2((int)Random.Range(lroom.x+1,lroom.xMax-1),(int)Random.Range(lroom.y+1,lroom.yMax-1));Vector2rpoint=newVector2((int)Random.Range(rroom.x+1,rroom.xMax-1),(int)Random.Range(rroom.y+1,rroom.yMax-1));// always be sure that left point is on the left to simplify the codeif(lpoint.x>rpoint.x){Vector2temp=lpoint;lpoint=rpoint;rpoint=temp;}intw=(int)(lpoint.x-rpoint.x);inth=(int)(lpoint.y-rpoint.y);Debug.Log("lpoint: "+lpoint+", rpoint: "+rpoint+", w: "+w+", h: "+h);// if the points are not aligned horizontallyif(w!=0){// choose at random to go horizontal then vertical or the oppositeif(Random.Range(0,1)>2){// add a corridor to the rightcorridors.Add(newRect(lpoint.x,lpoint.y,Mathf.Abs(w)+1,1));// if left point is below right point go up// otherwise go downif(h<0){corridors.Add(newRect(rpoint.x,lpoint.y,1,Mathf.Abs(h)));}else{corridors.Add(newRect(rpoint.x,lpoint.y,1,-Mathf.Abs(h)));}}else{// go up or downif(h<0){corridors.Add(newRect(lpoint.x,lpoint.y,1,Mathf.Abs(h)));}else{corridors.Add(newRect(lpoint.x,rpoint.y,1,Mathf.Abs(h)));}// then go rightcorridors.Add(newRect(lpoint.x,rpoint.y,Mathf.Abs(w)+1,1));}}else{// if the points are aligned horizontally// go up or down depending on the positionsif(h<0){corridors.Add(newRect((int)lpoint.x,(int)lpoint.y,1,Mathf.Abs(h)));}else{corridors.Add(newRect((int)rpoint.x,(int)rpoint.y,1,Mathf.Abs(h)));}}Debug.Log("Corridors: ");foreach(Rectcorridorincorridors){Debug.Log("corridor: "+corridor);}}
You should see the corridors being created in the console:
It’s hard to see visualize without the corridors being drawed but for this example it would look like this:
Draw the corridors ½: add the corridor sprite
Same as before for the rooms we’ll need a sprite , a prefab in Unity and variable to hold the prefab:
Remember to correctly set Pixels Per Unit setting: